Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving day coma

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!  Before you know it Christmas will be knocking on your doorstep.  Be prepared and order a beautiful Fancy La Bella Basket at
Don't forget that Dec 15th before 11:30 eastern time is the last day to place your order if you want your gift basket delivered before the holidays!

Friday, November 19, 2010

A quote that I read that is so inspirational.......
"Accept the failure that is part of success... no one has ever acheived anything great without failing at least once or twice...." 

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Postcards... Postcards... read all about it!

Standard Shipping Information.

Our partnered warehouses and what items they carry and ship are as follows:

FL - Flowers ship overnight  $16.95
NY, MO, CO and OR - Gift baskets - all go out ground  at a flat rate of $11.95 (a majority of our gift baskets are 5 lbs or more)
NY- Cookie Bouquets
MD- Fruits - Ship Mon-Wed only if orders come in Thursday or Friday will ship Monday.
CA - All Candle sets

(Note: If you have multiple orders of baskets, each basket will have a shipping rate of $11.95 (except on the Free shipping selection of baskets).  Each gift baskets will be shipped individually to ensure that the gift baskets will not be damaged during transit.

All overnight orders placed before 12 noon EST are shipped the same day.  Orders placed after 12 noon EST are shipped the next business day. All overnight orders placed on Friday, Saturday and Sunday will not ship out until Monday.  There are no weekend deliveries.

All ground orders are guaranteed to ship within one business day in other words 24-48 hours. Ground orders are not guaranteed to ship the same day. Ground orders placed Saturday and Sunday will ship either Monday or Tuesday.  There are no weekend deliveries.

(We do not ship to Hawaii, Alaska, Canada or out of the USA)

Depending on the item you choose and what location it is shipping from it can take 2-5 days for arrival, not including weekends.  They do not count.

Example: I am in NY, I am ordering Candles from California, order was placed on Thursday, I will receive my candles the following Thursday.  West Coast to East Coast is the furthest point to our map!

Come and visit the online store and get you gift baskets today!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

These gift baskets are so great!

Everytime that I look at these gift baskets the more I just went to send myself one!  Maybe two.. maybe three!  There are just an assortment of baskets that fits everyone's personal needs!  They are quality, cute, and affordable..... Share some love!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

12 days in.....

I've reached 100 guest visiting my site! However, no purchases... :(  That's alright though because I'm planting my seeds. Till then....

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I'm so excited!

I emailed a few people about my Grand Opening of La Bella Baskets!  Ever since I clicked on the send button I've been checking my back office to see how many hits I would get.  I think I've been checking a bit too much in one day.  But how exciting is it to discover that people are viewing your site!  I have 40 hits already.  Hope that it keeps coming!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

So here are my stats...

My first initial start up with this company was on a Friday (10.29.10).  On Oct 31st, while giving out candy to the little trick-or-treaters, I created a facebook page and invited all of you (my friends) to let you know that I'm in the gift basket business and I've created a Facebook Ad to get to an even higher mass of people that would be interested.  I had 23 hits to my site (minus 10....that was all me.... :p )  So 13 people hit my site in two days..... Record breaking?  Not really but it's definitly a start! 
As far as my Facebook ad I had 6 "clicks" on the ad.  Not too bad.....
Thank You for your support!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Well I finally did it!!!!!

Hi my little Bellas!
I finally did it and now have an online business officially called "Fancy La Bella Baskets"!  Just like my Blog Spot page!  I am excited to start up with "La Bella Baskets" which offers wonderful training for new consultants.  I'm not expecting this to be a Get rich scheme... I wanted to find something that would help me out as a part time job without feeling like I was working 24 hrs a day.  I chose to work when I want to.  The way that I see it is that where ever I go it just seems that Gift baskets are a great gift to give someone.  The facial expressions that I see is just so heart warming.  If I'm able to provide smiles by giving gifts or having others giving gift baskets to their loved ones and friends what's to stop me from providing that opportunity to give that perfect gift!  Yay for me!

Online Store

Need ideas for your gifting needs?
Come and visit the online store and view over 300 gift baskets that Fancy La Bella Baskets has to offer. Visit our online store at